Thursday, 19 February 2015

Hello everyone,

We have submitted an abstract for consideration to the Institute of Learning and teaching annual conference in May. If successful we will be sending representative presenters. We have generated a list of multi-media media content which we will convert into interactive content and embed it into a NILE test site. This will be linked to our work developing the interactive elements of e-adventure and the generation of avatars to provide an engaging learning environment.     

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Hello everyone, we are pleased to report the following progress that has been made; All chemicals and reagents have been ordered and received. This means that we are now in a position to replicate practical laboratory experiments in order to produce multimedia content. We are finalising the sequence and exact nature of the multimedia content to be implemented in DNA-Fc. The junior researcher and computer programmer on the project have met to discuss the practical nature of the learning material and how software can be developed to bring advanced interaction to specific areas of DNA-fc. An abstract is currently being prepared which will be submitted to the School of Education teaching and learning conference which takes place in May 2015.